Answer (A) (B) (C) Below Attached: Answer (D): the probability of error is Max in yes category. Which means, the individuals who were supposed to be in yes category are classified to be in no category. That means their probabilty scores were less than 0.5, so in order to take them into yes category, cut of score could be lowered to improve the percentage of error. 谢谢亲的回惠顾,期待您的下次光临! 添加客服微信:bbwxnly,购买沟通交流so easy 欢迎咨询以下我们的一站式服务内容:课后习题解答查题|文件文档解锁下载|会员帐号包月月卡 Bartleby|Bookrags|brainly.com|Coursehero|Chegg|eNotes|Ebook|gradebuddy|Grammerlly|Numerade |QuillBot|Oneclass|Studypool|SaveMyEaxms|Studymode|ScholarOne|SlideShare|SkillShare|Scribd|SolutionInn|Study.com|Studyblue|Termpaperwarehouse|and more… 谢谢亲的支持,祝您学习愉快:) |