
A large amount (more than a third) of DRAM power can be due to page activation (see 1 answer below »

A large amount (more than a third) of DRAM power can be due to page activation (see http://download.mic hnotes/ddr2/TN4704.pd and http://ww .mic ). Assume you are building a system with 1 GB of memory using either 4-bank 512 Mbit × 4 DDR2 DRAMs or 8-bank 1 Gbit × 8

DRAMs, both with the same speed grade. Both use a page size of 1 KB. Assume

DRAMs that are not active are in precharged standby and dissipate negligible

power. Assume the time to transition from standby to active is not significant. Which type of DRAM would be expected to result in lower power? Explain why.

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1 Approved Answer

Arpita K 
5 Ratings, (9 Votes)

using the DDR2-667 and DDR2-533 DIMMs on a workload with 3.33 L2 misses per 1K in-

structions, and assume that 80% of all DRAM reads require an activate. What is the cost-

performance of the entire system when using the different DIMMs, assuming only one L2

miss is outstanding at a time and an in-order core with a CPI of 1.5 not including L2 cache

miss memory access time?

2.16 [12] <2.3> You are provisioning a server with eight-core 3 GHz CMP, which can execute

a workload with an overall CPI of 2.0 (assuming that L2 cache miss refills are not delayed).

The L2 cache line size is 32 bytes. Assuming the system uses DDR2-667 DIMMs, how many

independent memory channels should be provided so the system is not limited by memory

bandwidth if the bandwidth required is sometimes twice the average? The workloads in-

cur, on an average, 6.67 L2 misses per 1K instructions.

2.17 [12/12] <2.3> A large amount (more than a third) of DRAM power can be due to page ac-

tivation (see htp:// and

systemcalc). Assume you are building a system with 2 GB of memory using either 8-bank

2 GB x8 DDR2 DRAMs or 8-bank 1 GB x8 DRAMs, both with the same speed grade. Both

use a page size of 1 KB, and the last level cacheline size is 64 bytes. Assume that DRAMs

that are not active are in precharged standby and dissipate negligible power. Assume that

the time to transition from standby to active is not significant.

a. [12] <2.3> Which type of DRAM would be expected to provide the higher system per-

formance? Explain why.

b. [12] <2.3> How does a 2 GB DIMM made of 1 GB x8 DDR2 DRAMs compare against a

DIMM with similar capacity made of 1 Gb x4 DDR2 DRAMs in terms of power?

2.18 [20/15/12] <2.3> To access data from a typical DRAM, we first have to activate the appro-

priate row. Assume that this brings an entire page of size 8 KB to the row buffer. Then we

select a particular column from the row buffer. If subsequent accesses to DRAM are to the

same page, then we can skip the activation step; otherwise, we have to close the current

page and precharge the bitlines for the next activation. Another popular DRAM policy is

to proactively close a page and precharge bitlines as soon as an access is over. Assume that

every read or write to DRAM is of size 64 bytes and DDR bus latency (Data out in Figure

2.30) for sending 512 bits is Tddr.

a. [20] <2.3> Assuming DDR2-667, if it takes five cycles to precharge, five cycles to activ-

ate, and four cycles to read a column, for what value of the row buffer hit rate (r) will

you choose one policy over another to get the best access time? Assume that every ac-

cess to DRAM is separated by enough time to finish a random new access.

b. [15] <2.3> If 10% of the total accesses to DRAM happen back to back or contiguously

without any time gap, how will your decision change?

c. [12] <2.3> Calculate the difference in average DRAM energy per access between the

two policies using the row buffer hit rate calculated above. Assume that precharging

requires 2 nJ and activation requires 4 nJ and that 100 pJ/bit are required to read or

write from the row buffer

2.19 [15] <2.3> Whenever a computer is idle, we can either put it in stand by (where DRAM

is still active) or we can let it hibernate. Assume that, to hibernate, we have to copy just the

contents of DRAM to a nonvolatile medium such as Flash. If reading or writing a cacheline

of size 64 bytes to Flash requires 2.56 μJ and DRAM requires 0.5 nJ, and if idle power con-

sumption for DRAM is 1.6 W (for 8 GB), how long should a system be idle to benefit from

hibernating? Assume a main memory of size 8 GB

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