
目前显示的是 四月, 2022的博文

Ethylene oxide as a vapor and water as liquid

Ethylene oxide as a vapor and water as liquid, both at 25°C and 101.33 kPa, react to form a liquid solution containing ethylene glycol (1,2-ethanediol) at the same conditions: ((CH2)2O + H2O → CH2OH.CH2OH If the initial molar ratio of ethylene oxide to water is 3.0, estimate the equilibrium conversion of ethylene oxide to ethylene glycol. At equilibrium the system consists of liquid and vapor in equilibrium, and the intensive state of the system is fixed by the specification of T and P. Therefore, one must first determine the phase compositions, independent of the ratio of reactants. These results may then be applied in the material-balance equations to find the equilibrium conversion. Choose as standard states for water and ethylene glycol the pure liquids at 1 bar and for ethylene oxide the pure ideal gas at 1 bar. Assume any water present in the liquid - phase has an activity coefficient of unity and that the vapor phase is an ideal gas. The partial pressure of ethylene oxide over t...

Krbbbm 和 CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 的聊天记录

Dear: Krbbbm 和 CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 在微信上的聊天记录如下,请查收。 ————— 2022-04-15 ————— Krbbbm 16:52 你们coursehero怎么收费 划算的话下次换您家 CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 16:52 一样的 CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 16:52 都是3 Krbbbm 16:52 卧槽 这么便宜 CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 16:52 [应用消息] Krbbbm 16:52 我在别的地方一次7 Krbbbm 16:53 你们一个月20unlock多少💰 CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 16:53 [文件: Lawford Electric Case Study - Studymode.pdf] CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 16:53 60 CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 16:53 70元 30个 Krbbbm 16:53 以后找您! CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 16:53 ok Krbbbm 16:54 我那边75一个月才20个 CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 16:54 找我就对 Krbbbm 16:54 一次解锁7元 你们好便宜 早知道早点来找你们了[捂脸] CourseHero Chegg OneClass💯 16:56 [文件: Lawford Case Study Hbr - Studymode.pdf]

America is in the Heart - SuperSummary Study Guide

谢谢亲的回惠顾,期待您的下次光临! 添加客服微信:bbwxnly,购买沟通交流so easy 欢迎咨询以下我们的一站式服务内容: 课后习题解答查题 | 文件文档解锁下载 | 会员帐号包月月卡 Bartleby | Bookrags | brainly.com | Coursehero | Chegg | eNotes | Ebook | gradebuddy | Grammerlly | Numerade   | QuillBot | Oneclass | Studypool | SaveMyEaxms | Studymode | ScholarOne | SlideShare | SkillShare | Scribd | SolutionInn | Study.com | Studyblue | Termpaperwarehouse | and more… 谢谢亲的支持,祝您学习愉快:)  


谢谢亲的回惠顾,期待您的下次光临! 添加客服微信:bbwxnly,购买沟通交流so easy 欢迎咨询以下我们的一站式服务内容: 课后习题解答查题 | 文件文档解锁下载 | 会员帐号包月月卡 Bartleby | Bookrags | brainly.com | Coursehero | Chegg | eNotes | Ebook | gradebuddy | Grammerlly | Numerade   | QuillBot | Oneclass | Studypool | SaveMyEaxms | Studymode | ScholarOne | SlideShare | SkillShare | Scribd | SolutionInn | Study.com | Studyblue | Termpaperwarehouse | and more… 谢谢亲的支持,祝您学习愉快:)   ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "362976568" <twitterface@foxmail.com>; 发送时间:  2022年4月8日(星期五) 上午9:18 收件人:  "vicjjsyh2016"<vicjjsyh2016@gmail.com>; 主题:  Answer Q uestion: The following balance sheets have been prepared as at December 31, Year 6, for Kay Corp. and Adams Ventures: Additional Information: • Kay acquired its 40% i...